Thursday, January 17, 2008

Premero Semana a Santiago de Chile

Hola Amigos!

On the plane to Santiago I sat next to a 12 year old kid from La Serena, Chile; Chris who told me all kinds of things about this beautiful city, it's people, games and a whole lot more.
I have heard( he oido) that Chileans say "Sipo" to mean "si".
And -to this I always scratched my head and said - but Why!-

Of course one of my preguntas (questions for gringo amigos) was of course,
"Claro, pero, porque sipo?" And the kid shrugs and says, "Porque Sipo!" So, then I realized I would have to give up my Americana ways of having to know everything about everything and just smile and accept the crazy difference of Chile y Sud America.
This is one of the grafitti-free pixx I took Saturday of the Museum of Belles Artes. Wow, what a building.
- I have yet to actually say "sipo". :)
Hasta luego mis amigos.


Ms. Bizarro said...

Yay, Vix! I will check in regularly for updates. Thanks for keeping us folks back home included in your adventures! Be well.

Unknown said...

Sipo = Sí, por supuesto!
