Thursday, March 19, 2009

On Faith and redemption.

I just read an incredible story that could have been written by me.
It was an account of an amazing conversion story from a militant feminista- pro-choice, anti-Catholic woman.
Thinking back on that version of me is great, it shows me where I've been and where I never have to go ever again.
I know that there were people praying for me then. I also know that it was God's truest love for me that brought me back to him, in the most wonderful real way. I believe it was through the prayers of others and the seed of hope I had within myself that I too would someday find my true self, my true love for Jesus Christ. I have found him because he never gave up hope for me, not once.
So- please, as Jane asks, I ask too, pray for those women. They need your prayers, they need to know that the world, that Christ has not given up on them.
In Him.
Victoria Martinez.

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